Egg Donation

Egg Donation

Egg donation success rates

The Egg donation success rates are usually very high, the possibility of getting pregnant on the first attempt is an average of 60% and it

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Egg Donation

Egg donation by gametes and their anonymity

According to the current law on human assisted reproduction techniques, the anonymity of donation via gametes is guaranteed both for egg and sperm donors. How is the anonymity of donors by gametes maintained?

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Egg Donation

Egg donation’s results and donors’ quality

Egg donation provides higher pregnancy rates and other advantages for the patient. The main cause of high pregnancy percentage is because quality eggs are used. Donors are subjected to rigorous medical screenings through several meetings.

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Egg Donation

Become a mother thanks to Egg donation

Nowadays, egg donation represents a hope for each different patient’s profiles. Relying on an anonymous donor can concern the patient but it has to be pointed out that it is very safe and an efficient option.

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Egg Donation

Egg donation steps. How does it work?

Egg donation steps are exactly the same as the Conventional In Vitro Fertilization, the only difference is that the donor is the one who is subjected to the egg retrieval and ovarian stimulation.

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Egg Donation

Become a mother with a diagnosis of premature menopause

Premature menopause or premature ovarian failure is the absence of the menstrual period in women under the age of 40. This diagnosis is quite common among women in fertile age, between 1 to 3% of female population in reproductive age suffer from this disorder.

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