How Azoospermia can be faced?

There are two types of azoospermia and the solution can vary depending on the type of disease you are affected by. Here you have all the possible alternatives to conceive through assisted reproduction treatments.


In the past, we talked about the male factor as a determining factor in achieving a pregnancy. In the past few years, men have been subjected to a decline in their sperm quality due to new lifestyles and external factors. One of the most severe cases is azoospermia, which is defined as a lack of sperm in the ejaculate. It is normal being worried about this kind of diagnosis but Eva Clinics wants to reassure our patients because even if you are affected by azoospermia doesn’t mean that it is impossible to become a father. Here you have all the possible alternatives to conceive through assisted reproduction treatments.

Becoming a father despite being affected by azoospermia

There are two types of azoospermia and the solution can vary depending on the type of disease you are affected by. For this reason, the first important thing is providing a personalized diagnosis for each patient which is possible after doing the required tests such as testicular palpation, spermiogram, blood tests to detect if there are hormone factors and finally a testicular biopsy which is a simple operation consisting of retrieving a little sperm sample from the testicle. All the data will establish the type of azoospermia that affects the patient in order to find the appropriate solution.

Obstructive azoospermia

In this kind of azoospermia the sperm is produced but then get blocked during the ejaculate due to an obstruction (usually it occurs when the man was subjected to a vasectomy). In this case, achieving the pregnancy is simpler because men can rely on the sperm through epididymal sperm aspiration (PESA) or via testicular biopsy if the first option cannot be performed.

Secretory azoospermia

We talk about this disease when just a minimal quantity or no sperm is produced in the testicle. In this case, it is necessary performing a testicular biopsy in order to find a viable embryo to conceive. According to secretory azoospermia diagnosis, in 60% of cases a little sperm production can occur in some little area of the testicle. This is the last option before opting for sperm donation.  Even though no sperm is synthesized in the testicle, it is possible finding an area where sperm are produced. Even after different examinations there are no viable embryos in any area of the testicle, treatments with sperm donation have to be considered. This is a safe and efficient option which is increasingly used by more and more men.

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